Nov 11, 2008

Ivan Mendes

* Height: 1, 74 m

* Date of Birth: 21/08/1985

* Nationality: Brazil

Ivan Mendes was born in Rio de Janeiro. He is an actor. During five years in his life he practiced bodyboarding every day. He loves practicing some sports. In his school, he participed at the theater group and his first work in TV was ‘Sitio Do Pica-Pau Amarelo’, but it was only one episode. He worked for the first time in the soapopera: ‘Luz Do sol’, in Band TV!

Now, he is working in the soapopera: Tres Irmas, in Globo TV.

*Curiosities: He is fan of Marcos Caruso, Lázaro Ramos and Julia Roberts. He practices surfing too.

Anna Luiza


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