Dec 4, 2008

Avril Ramona

Avril Ramona Lavigne was born on a Wednesday, September 27, 1984, in the town of Napanee, Ontario, Canada.
Since Avril was a child she played in concerts in churches, parties and festivals.
When she was 14 years old, she was singing in a bookstore and her first businessman notied something special about her.
After winning a local radio saw she singing and Avril discovered that sing what she really wanted.
When she was 16 years signed hes first contract in New York.
Hes debut album reached the shelves on June 2, 2002. A few days after hes first music video, "Complicated", was already in the parades of MTV.
Each year Avril makes more and more success and she is always among the best rock singers.
Avril has fans everywhere, who revere the singer and see her as an inspiration.
Avril Lavigne is only 16 years old, but her career is full of success.

link to youtube

another link to youtube